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Type Hive world

(not to scale)


Climate Temperate
Population 25 billion+
Planetary Governor Marius Hax
System Scintilla system
Sector Calixis Sector
Sub Sector Golgenna Reach
Segmentum Segmentum Obscurus
Major Saltelites: Moon: Lachesis
Moon: Sothus
Orbital Space Station: Scintilla Prime

The two major settlements on the planet are the hive-cities of Sibellus and Tarsus. The vast majority of the population resides in these two manmade clusters of constructual madness.

Besides that, the Industrial settlement of Gun Metal City and the wandering city of Abullon make up for the rest of the planet's inhabitans.


Scintilla map



This is a high-res version of the Scintilla map.

The map is ment as a generic document and landscape, names, buildings etc. will be added along the way. Feedback and ideas are therefore most welcome.

Click here to open printerfriendly version (v.1.01 - 5 MB)


Gun Metal City
Compared to Sibellus and Tarsus, Gun Metal City is just a small town - however, it contributes considerable to the overall economy of Scintilla. Placed directly upon an active volcano, the big forges of the city has all the energy they could ever ask for.

In the big tropic forrest that stilll remains on Scintilla lays the ruins of the Tanebra. Once the major Hive of Scintilla; long since abandoned for reasons unknown. However, the inhabitants that moved in here following the exodus has not made it a warm and hospitable place…far from.




The Malleus Maleficarum Syndicate